Architerior talked to Stockholm based artist Lina Tivemark of @studio_tivemark whose creative ceramic works welcome conversation and smiles as well as tell subtle stories about being human.
How did you find your way into art?
My parents have never been big art enthusiasts, but I would say I grew up in a very creative home. My mom always had something going on, like scrap booking, baking, knitting or sewing. Always creating. Always something new. And my dad definitely had all the tools to make big dreams come true. They always encouraged me to create and try new things. They never told me something wasn’t possible and for me, that’s magic. My mom dragged me to a ceramics evening class one rainy dark september day a couple of years back and to be honest I wasn’t too excited. I just wanted to do something together with her. But since that day, I’ve been head over heels in love with the material and the creative process of ceramics.

Was education in art a part of your journey to become an artist?
No, not really. I started making art and especially ceramics, just to relax and take my mind off things that I found overwhelming at the time. I learnt most things by trial and error, just creating and pushing my own limits. My interest in art definitely grew over time, and I’m still learning and evolving as an artist while I write this. I just started my formal art education and its definitely a journey of its own.
What techniques do you use?
I mostly build ceramics by hand, often a combination of slab work and coiling.

How would you define your art style?
I constantly try to understand and interpret the world around me and I think that reflects in my work. Right now I’m exploring the boundaries between utensils and art.
Has your style or technique changed over time?
Yes, it still very much does and I feel like I always learn and evolve in the studio.
If you had to summarize your art in three words, what would they be?
Big, exploring, stories.

When other people view your work, what are their reactions and thoughts?
People only tend to tell me when they like it, haha.
Is there something in particular that you wish to convey to the viewer through your work?
I like to tell subtle stories about being human.
How does your planning and creation process look like?
I always have a lot of different projects going on at the same time and I usually keep most of it growing and changing in my head. I don’t sketch much but write down words or feelings I want to keep in mind. I usually start with a general thought of what I want to mediate and go from there.

What are you working on right now?
A school project where I’m doing table ware. My inspiration had to be Mary Wollstonecraft and I think that fits me perfectly!
How has Covid-19 affected you as an artist?
It actually gave me a lot of opportunities to be creative.

Inspiration is important when creating, where do you find inspiration?
I tend to find a lot of inspiration in popular culture and telling stories. Both mine and others. I usually come back to class, identity, people and fashion.

Is there any artwork that you’ve created that is extra significant to you?
The bathroom scribbles shoe has a lot of meaning to me. I made the first one during quarantine and it was the first thing I ever had on public display.
How do you define “good” art?
It makes me smile or wrinkle my nose!
What are the best things about being an artist?
Working with my hands!
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What are the worst things about being an artist?
Performance anxiety and feeling everything has to become something in the end. Sometimes I wish I just enjoyed the process more.
Are there any special moments in your art career that you’d like to share – moments that perhaps brought you forward, gave you clarity or changed you?
When I realized there aren’t actually that many rules to follow in ceramics that people tell you. Anything is possible if I can just imagine it!
What does it mean to you to be able to work with art?

In ten years time, where do you see yourself and your creative work?
Working in my own studio, always bringing my dog. Maybe be able to work together with other artists. That would be awesome.
If you could go back to the beginning of your art career, what advise would you give yourself?
Just do it!
Explore Lina Tivemark’s webshop